Generally, the SGL/HSG with the School’s Human Resources (HR) Advisor, initiates recruitment activity. However, the Programme Director’s responsibility for staff recruitment will vary depending on the level of appointment and each School’s practices. Typically for recruitment to Teaching Fellow/Associate roles, it is anticipated that Programme Directors will be involved in shortlisting and/or interviewing candidates but with a Subject Group Lead and/or Associate Dean chairing the interview. For Teaching and Research posts at Lecturer and Senior Lecturer level, there may also be a requirement for Programme Directors to ask questions related to teaching experience, ability and fit of applicant expertise to the School’s requirements. Programme Directors tend not to be involved in posts above Senior Lecturer. If they are involved, it is because they hold a different post, for example, SGL/HSG, Associate Dean or Professor.

A brief overview of the recruitment and selection procedure is set out below. This procedure applies to all appointments, with the exception of the appointment of sessional and casual workers. Human Resources (HR) Advisors are available to advise, support and assist in recruiting at all stages of the process as follows:

  • Review the job description and person specification for the post
  • Grade the post – teaching and research posts are matched to role profiles.
  • Obtain authorisation for the post
  • Decide how to advertise
  • Produce recruitment information
  • Agree a recruitment plan with HR Advisor
  • Short-list the candidates
  • Organise and hold the interviews
  • Post-interview processes such as eligibility to work checks

Where the post will have a teaching element, it is good practice to ask candidates to deliver a presentation that will enable an assessment of language/verbal communication skills. Where Programme Directors are involved in recruiting and selecting staff they should attend recruitment and selection training. This training is available via the Organisational Development course brochure.

On appointment, academic staff with teaching responsibilities will be required to undertake the University’s Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (within two years of their start date and usually at the first opportunity). Exemption from this requirement can be granted on the basis of previously accrued qualifications or experience. Each exemption is made on a case-by-case basis by the Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice – normally the Dean of the Centre.


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  • Published: 7 years ago
  • Updated: 7 years ago