The University Module database (UMD) is a directory of all the modules offered at the University. The UMD has been developed to support the need for more complete and accessible module information. It is the responsibility of the Module Leader to ensure that the information inputted into and held within the UMD regarding their module is accurate and up-to-date.

Programme Directors should review and approve all the modules held in the UMD that are offered on their programme. This review process enables Programme Directors to assess the impact of the annual curriculum review on the modules in their programmes. For modules that are offered on more than one programme only one approval needs to occur by any Programme Director associated with a programme on which the module is offered. Information on how to complete this process is available in the UMD User Manual, also available on the UMD front page on MAP. Remember, any changes to modules that impact on the Programme Specification will need to be taken with care and the Programme Specification changes processed in a timely manner as described under the Programme Specification section.

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  • Published: 7 years ago
  • Updated: 7 years ago