It is worth bearing in mind that the Executive Dean of the School (or nominee) will be responsible for:

  • Ensuring an academic member of staff is allocated as the Student Liaison Officer (SLO) for each School, and optionally that an ALSE is appointed to each programme and/or subject area.
  • Ensuring that all staff new to the role of SLO are provided with a thorough induction.
  • Notifying Student Representation Group of new and changed appointments.
  • Ensuring that appropriate administrative support is in place to enable the
  • delivery of student representation mechanisms.Agreeing the number of student representatives required for each SSCC 
  • The SLO, ensuring an appropriate range of representation for the programme, suite of programmes, or other academic area covered by the SSCC.
  • Ensuring SLOs have access to relevant external examiners’ reports and responses, the School’s NSS action plan, appropriate programme annual review action plans, and (if relevant) the School’s annual review of postgraduate research provision.

Support and training for student representatives, in line with the expectations of the role and the activities defined in Aston’s Student Engagement Strategy, are a shared responsibility for the Student Representation Group, the Schools (via SLOs) and the Students’ Union. Final responsibility for, and monitoring of, training and support lies with the Student Representation Group.

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Page information

  • Published: 7 years ago
  • Updated: 7 years ago