Module Evaluations

All taught modules on undergraduate, postgraduate and distance learning courses are evaluated centrally by the Market Research Office (MRO). The questionnaires can be administered as either paper-based or online versions. The decision on which version to distribute (online or paper-based) is made at the School level. In 2018-19, all Schools have opted to use the online survey. All the questions are the same for all modules (with the exception of some distance learning or project modules).

All undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules are evaluated before the teaching period ends and the results are collected, processed, and analysed by the MRO. Module reports are generated by the MRO and distributed to School Quality Officers, or a nominated person within the School. Module reports are then disseminated by the School to Associate Deans of Learning and Teaching/Research (or nominees), Heads of Subject Groups, Programme Directors, Module Leaders, and individual lecturers themselves. The Programme Director should receive feedback on all modules contributing to their Programme.

The Programme Director is involved with one or two stages of this process, depending on whether the online or paper-based version is in operation:

  1. For online versions the Programme Director must send the School Quality Officer (or equivalent/appropriate nominee) the following information: the module code; start date of the module; and the closure date for each module on their programme.
  2. Upon receipt of the results from the MRO, Module Leaders complete a Module Level Report. This process forms part of the Annual Monitoring and Review Module Level Report forms are sent to Programme Directors by each Module Leader to initiate a discussion regarding the outcomes of module evaluation.

The outcomes of this discussion and reflection should be noted by the Programme Director, particularly where there are issues that need addressing at programme or School level, or where there are items of good practice and educational enhancement for wider dissemination. The results of the Module Level Report discussion should inform Annual Review Reports.


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Page information

  • Published: 7 years ago
  • Updated: 6 years ago