The responsibilities of Module Boards are:

  • To determine and report to Programme Boards the award of marks for all candidates in the context of overall averages, student performance and particular circumstances affecting the assessment and conduct of the module, and, where appointed, the comments of External Examiners.
  • To monitor the performance of the various cohorts of students from different programmes attending a particular module, and to report substantial differences in such performances to the appropriate Programme Boards and to the appropriate Programme Committees for Monitoring and Review purposes.
  • To act within their remit noting that it is the Programme Board which takes the final decisions on condonement for failure, progression, referral and deferral; confirmation of award and honours classification or grade (for postgraduate taught programmes) of individual students in the context of their overall performance, on any allowances made for exceptional circumstances, and on the course of action following the application of penalties for academic offences (taking account of recommendations from Module Boards) in accordance with decisions of Academic Offences Officers or the Disciplinary Board as appropriate.

Module Boards should meet before Programme Boards. This order enables any potential issues raised at the Module Boards to be considered in time for the Programme Board. For example, if the grade profile for a module is out of alignment with the other modules on the programme this can be addressed in time for the Programme Board.

7 revisions

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Page information

  • Published: 7 years ago
  • Updated: 6 years ago